There are times when you may need to provide care for someone who is not your child or an immediate family member. While you may be willing to care for this individual and provide support in whatever ways he or she needs, there may be limits to what you can do for him...
Full-Service Skills In One Package
Estate Planning And Elder Law
What are durable powers of attorney?
One of the most difficult aspects of planning for the future is considering what could happen if you face incapacitation and are unable to speak for yourself. You may understand the importance of planning for what will happen to your property after you pass, but you...
It may be time to review and update your estate plan
While there is no way to know with certainty what will happen in the future, your estate plan provides you with the opportunity to control certain matters that may arise long-term. When you created your plan, you did so with the information you currently had and with...
How does guardianship and conservatorship work in Michigan?
One of the most difficult things a family can experience is watching a loved one grow older and reach a point where he or she is unable to function without support. As you watch your loved one struggle to meet his or her own needs and make sound decisions, you may...
3 factors to consider when granting power of attorney
In certain circumstances, it might seem obvious to you who you would want to make decisions on your behalf or sign legal documents as your agent if you are absent, such as serving active military duty overseas. For instance, if you are married, you would probably...
5 estate planning documents you might need
Not everyone in Michigan likes to discuss matters of mortality. In fact, some people try to avoid such topics at all cost. You might count yourself among that group or with those who understand the importance of discussing estate planning issues. Executing a solid...
Issues you may encounter when challenging a will
The process of settling an estate after the death of a loved one can be a complicated and difficult process. The emotions you may feel after this type of loss are hard to navigate, but it can be even more challenging when you believe there is a problem with your loved...
Estate planning needs for blended families
Planning for the future is an important step for all Michigan families, but it may be especially important for non-traditional or blended families. Having documents drafted and plans in place can help prevent difficult or complicated situations, and it can provide you...
12 Point Estate and Wealth Protection Checklist For 2021
Note: Our firm is dedicated to helping families protect their hard earned wealth regardless of size – We provide basic estate planning for families with modest savings and advanced planning for those with substantial wealth. 1. Wealth Protection. Do you have any rental real estate that is in your individual name or an S corporation? Do you have a single member LLC? This…
Is Your Estate Plan Up To Date
We have heard from many of our clients that the current COVID-19 crisis has spurred them to reflect and rethink their priorities. These are some simple steps that you can take make sure your estate plan is up to date. PUT ESTATE PLANNING ON YOUR TO-DO LIST If you have been putting off getting your Will and Durable Powers of…