Full-Service Skills In One Package

Frank J. Machnik J.D.
- Associate Attorney
Practice Areas
- Criminal Law
- Child Custody
- Municipal Law
Upon retiring from the Kalamazoo Office of the Prosecuting Attorney in 2008, Frank joined the Cass County Prosecutor's Office as the chief assistant prosecutor. He worked their for 8 1/2 years handling the day-to-day administration of the office, circuit court jury trials, working in the Family Court division and with the Cass County Drug Enforcement Team before retiring in 2017. He worked extensively in several Drug Court Rehabilitaion Programs.
In 2010, Frank was asked to join the Zoning Board of Appeals for Texas Township in Kalamazoo County. He has been a member ever since, and is currently the chair for the ZBA. After retiring from Cass County, he was offered a part-time semi-retirement position with the law firm that represented Texas Township. That law firm represented municipalities throughout the state. He worked there for a year exclusively on municipal legal matters.
In 2019, Frank joined the Herbert Machnik Law Firm and overseas the criminal cases, municipal law cases, and child custody cases.
- Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Lansing, Michigan
- J.D.
- Honors: With High Honors
- Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
- B.S.
- Honors: cum laude
- Major: Pre-Law
Bar Admissions
- Michigan, 1980
Professional Associations
- Michigan Bar Association, 1980 to 2020
- Five, Ten, Fifteen, Twenty-Five Year Awards Prosecuting Attorney's Association of Michigan
- Numerous Certificates of Appreciation from various Police Departments
- Numerous Certificates of Appreciation from DHHS
- Numerous Certificates of Achievement from National Seminars from NDAA
- Numerous Certificates of Achievement from State and Local Seminars
Classes & Seminars
- Drug Forfeiture Seminars, U.S. Attorney; Michigan Attorney General, 2006 to 2016
- Criminal Law and Procedure Instructor, MLEOCT; KVCC, 1985 to 1998
Published Works
- Criminal Sexual Conduct Statute - Detailed Analysis, Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, 1979
Past Positions
- Kalamazoo County Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, Senior Assistant Prosecutor, 1980 to 2008
- Cass County Prosecuting Attorney's Office , Chief Assistant Prosecutor, 2008 to 2017
- English